
The difference between the tail section only and the whole section: the tail section is characterized by lightweight and sound wave, while the whole section is characterized by increased performance. The tail section is the place with the largest volume and heaviest weight of the whole exhaust pipe. The lighter modified pipe can effectively reduce the weight of the car body. At the same time, the sound wave of the exhaust pipe can also be changed by changing the size of the internal pipe and caliber; The whole section of exhaust pipe can effectively increase the overall engine output through computer re tuning. Although the tail section can also increase the performance, the increase is not better than the whole section. Therefore, riders who want to improve the performance can consider changing the whole section when changing the pipe.

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The tail section can reduce and change the sound wave.

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The whole segment can effectively increase the engine output.

The advantage of small Sukeda tube is that it is convenient to change the engine oil, and there are many options for the tail section. Due to the large volume of the exhaust pipe required by large heavy vehicles, if the one-piece type is adopted, the manufacturing process will be much more complicated. Therefore, most of them adopt the intubation type design. For small Sukeda, when the oil is changed every 1000 kilometers, the intubation is very convenient. In addition, the intubation can also provide more choices in the tail section configuration.

The cannula shall be loaded with a spring to prevent the exhaust pipe from leaking.

The larger the diameter of the exhaust pipe, the greater the horsepower is not necessarily. From the perspective of hydrodynamics, the exhaust gas is considered as water flow, and the exhaust pipe is a water channel. If the water channel is too small, the water flow will be blocked, and the engine efficiency will be reduced; However, if the waterway is too wide and the water flows around in the waterway, causing eddy currents and adverse effects, the engine efficiency cannot be improved at this time. In short, when the engine is at high speed, a relatively smooth exhaust environment is required. When the engine is running at low speed, the pipeline is expected to be reduced to increase continuity. Therefore, in design, the thicker and smoother the exhaust pipe is, the better the power output will be.

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Post time: Sep-30-2022