
The internal structure of motorcycle exhaust pipe is a muffler. The motorcycle exhaust pipe mainly uses porous sound absorbing materials to reduce noise. The sound absorbing material is fixed on the inner wall of the air flow passage or arranged in the pipeline in a certain way to form a resistive muffler. When the sound wave enters the resistive muffler, part of the sound energy will be converted into heat energy by friction in the pores of the porous material and dissipated, which will weaken the sound wave passing through the muffler.

There is no partition or other facilities inside the straight pipe. The noise is only partially blocked by the muffling cotton covered outside. The waste gas is discharged directly under an unstoppable state, and the explosion sound is produced under the violent expansion, which is commonly known as noise. In addition, the long overlapping time of the inlet and exhaust valves at low speed will allow the mixture in the combustion chamber to flow out. The design of large and open straight pipe will naturally slow down the exhaust gas flow at low speed.


The exhaust pipe on the motorcycle is also called the muffler assembly. Although it looks like only a steel pipe, its internal structure is very complex and generally consists of two parts. When the engine generates exhaust gas and noise, it will first pass through the exhaust pipe in the front section, and then be discharged from the exhaust pipe in the rear after noise reduction treatment by the muffler. After this filtering, the noise generated by the motorcycle during riding will become much smaller, so it will not have any impact on the surrounding environment. However, the exhaust pipe has been used for a long time and is rusty. The muffler cannot filter, and the exhaust gas and noise will be discharged directly.

Post time: Nov-24-2022